
Here you will find all information about the side-events at the GeoTHERM 2025.


Side Events - Wednesday, February 19

1.) Aquifer storage for Germany

The SpeicherCity project cordially invites you to the workshop “Aquifer storage for Germany” on 19.02.2025! The workshop will take place as a side event on the day before the GeoTHERM expo & congress from 14:00 to 17:30 in the Oberrheinhalle K1. To register free of charge, please send a short message to: maximilian.noethen [at]

In a decade of progressive energy transition, European countries, including Germany, are facing the challenge of coping with seasonal imbalances in heating and cooling demand. Thermal aquifer storage (ATES), which uses groundwater as a storage medium in an open-loop geothermal system, offers a promising solution. Despite its considerable potential, ATES has still not reached market maturity in Germany.

This event will highlight current obstacles and discuss possible solutions. The focus is on projects that promote progress in research and practice, as well as on developing perspectives for the integration of ATES in modern energy networks. The workshop offers an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas with experts in aquifer storage and to expand your own network.

The preliminary program can be found here.


2.) 3D Geothermal Resource Modelling - Seequent

Optimizing a geothermal development requires a robust understanding of the resource. Combining multidisciplinary insights from geology, geochemistry and geophysics. This workshop provides a step-by-step guide on how to execute a comprehensive geothermal model.

Join this introductory in-person workshop in Leapfrog Energy. Leapfrog Energy is an intuitive, workflow-based 3D subsurface modelling software that enables you to build and refine models fast. With over 30 years supporting the energy industry across the Seequent portfolio, this powerful technology streamlines your workflows and reduces risk to meet energy industry needs.

In this workshop you will learn how to make intelligent decisions about your project with workflows for well targeting, ground modelling, basin and play screening, and reservoir geoscience in a single 3D model. Leapfrog Energy’s user-friendly tools and processes streamline data and empower collaboration, so you can.

You'll discover the tools and features designed to assist you in creating more precise geothermal models. Learn the basic concepts and tools necessary to get you started in Leapfrog Energy.

During the workshop you will build a 3D geological model using well data, practice building 3D models from maps, GIS lines and structural data. You will also learn basics of numerical modelling, and you will practice using geophysical and temperature data. In the workshop you will learn how to present project results though cross sections, maps and videos.

What will the cover?
- Navigating the user interface of Leapfrog Energy
- Basic functions and workflows
- Importing and visualising well, temperature and geophysical data
- Working with GIS data, Maps and Photos
- Basic geological and numerical modelling
- Dynamic model updating
- How to use display features

Course Cost
FREE In-Person Workshop

Feb 19, 2025
10am - 6pm Europe/Berlin

Course Capacity
To ensure a quality training experience for all participants, course group will remain small. Once the registration limit is reached, additional registrants will be added to a waitlist and notified if a spot becomes available.

More informations here.



Side Events - Thursday, February 20

1.) BDG - Workshop on career entry for students in the geosciences

Are you looking for an internship? Are you about to graduate? - It is important to know that the majority of all geosciences students cannot and will not stay at university after graduation. Most will find employment in industry or engineering. What can you do to prepare yourself for working life during your studies?
The Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler (BDG) e. V. is offering this workshop at GeoTHERM, in which we will inform you about the job market and the requirements that potential employers expect. You will meet colleagues who work in the field and can exchange ideas and discuss with them. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please register at: ploenes [at] (ploenes[at]geoberuf[dot]de)

⌚ 1 p.m to 6 pm, Oberrheinhalle, confrence room 5

Notes on data protection:
By registering, participants actively agree to the data protection regulations of the BDG and its Bildungsakademie. They also agree that photographs and film recordings made of them before, during and after the event may be used by the BDG for the purpose of press and public relations work.

The data protection regulations are available at:


2.) Geothermal Energy Practice Forum

In 2025, the Geothermal Energy Practice Forum will once again bring together the geothermal energy and heat pump sector with decision-makers from local authorities, the energy industry and the housing sector. Near-surface geothermal energy is a valuable resource when it comes to the municipal energy and heating transition. In combination with heat pumps, system concepts that are difficult to beat in terms of emissions and cost can be realized.

This year's focus will be on the changes brought about by the Bureaucracy Relief Act and other legal requirements. In addition, experts will provide an outlook on the possible priorities of an upcoming federal government. Current progress in municipal heat planning will also be discussed. In addition, the PraxisForum not only offers a platform for professional exchange, but also for networking and finding suitable project partners.

You can register from 01.01. via

Blue Spark Energy - Outdoor Demonstrations

Blue Spark Energy will be demonstrating the power of electricity in well cleaning through our live demonstrations.
BLUESPARK® technology converts a small amount of electrical energy from the surface to create powerful electro-hydraulic pulses downhole. These pulses remove flow obstructions, such as scale deposits, in the near-borehole area. Well screens can be effectively cleaned to improve well performance while maintaining the integrity of the completion.  

Visit us at the outdoor exhibition and learn more about how BLUESPARK® has helped over 100 companies optimise performance in more than 1000 operations worldwide. 

The demonstrations will take place on Thursday, 21 February and Friday, 22 February, both at 1.00 pm.